CHAMADA PARA SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS – Indiana Law Journal – Fluxo Contínuo

Founded in 1925, the Indiana Law Journal is a general-interest academic legal journal. The Journal is published quarterly by students at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. The opportunity to become a member of the Journal is available to all students at the end of their first year. The Indiana Law Journal has published […]

CHAMADA PARA SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS – American Journal of Criminal Justice – Fluxo Contínuo

The American Journal of Criminal Justice (ISSN 1066-2316) is a peer reviewed publication offering research on a wide array of criminal justice topics and issues. Coverage addresses the criminal justice process, the formal and informal interplay between system components, problems and solutions experienced by various segments, innovative practices, policy development and implementation, evaluative research, the players engaged […]

CHAMADA PARA SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS – Human Rights Law Review – Fluxo Contínuo

Launched in 2001, Human Rights Law Review seeks to promote awareness, knowledge, and discussion on matters of human rights law and policy. While academic in focus, the Review is also of interest to the wider human rights community, including those in governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental spheres, concerned with law, policy, and fieldwork. The Review publishes original articles on human rights issues […]

CHAMADA PARA SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS – Biolaw Journal – Rivista di Biodiritto (Qualis A2) – Fluxo Contínuo

The Rivista di BioDiritto – BioLaw Journal (ISSN 2284-4503) è disponibile per l’invio di articoli su base continuativa. È una rivista giuridica online e peer reviewed, che approfondisce i rapporti tra diritto e scienza in prospettiva comparata. In un’ottica interdisciplinare, la Rivista accoglie contributi negli ambiti del diritto, delle scienze della vita, della bioetica e […]